How to Make Family Mealtimes Enjoyable for Everyone

Mealtimes with children can be exciting, messy, challenging and everything in-between. Here are some basic tips you can follow to help make mealtimes more fun than frustrating for everyone.

Model Healthy Eating

Our children are always watching so show them that you eat and try a variety of foods. It’s ok to let them know foods you like and dislike but that you always try a food first before deciding how you feel about it. Let them watch you exploring food with your various senses and they may start trying it out themselves.

Establish a Routine

Many parents say the constant asking for food is what really has them pulling their hair out. They feel like short-order cooks, catering to their children’s every culinary desire, constantly setting out snacks and drinks only to have them push away meals later.

Save yourself the headache by establishing set meal and snack times. Have children sit at a table every time they’re eating and remind them to eat while they’re there because once they leave the table, that mealtime is over and they won’t be getting anything else until the next one. Have water available to drink whenever they want. It will take time to get used to but if you stick to it, the kids will adapt pretty quickly.

Allow Children to Control If and How Much

Now that you’re back in control of what’s being served at each set mealtime, allow your children to be in control of the if (if they’re going to eat what’s being served) and how much (how much of the food they’re going to eat). Allowing them to feel like they’re in control of the food they put in their bodies will take away much of the anxiety that can surround mealtimes, making it a happier and less stressful time for them and you.

Limit Distractions

If you can possibly put tech away during mealtimes that is ideal. It allows children to focus on the task at hand, eating, so they can pay attention to their body’s cues of hunger and fullness. It’s also an opportunity for you to have family conversations. If it’s not possible every day, try to have even just one family meal together each week when everyone comes to the table to enjoy some food together.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Mealtimes don’t have to be long. In fact, they shouldn’t be. Kids’ attention spans can only last so long so expecting them to stay at the table for lengthy periods is a recipe for disaster. Ten to 15 minutes is really all you need. After that time, if they ask to be excused and they believe they are full (remember, not by your assessment of how much they ate, but by their own feelings) then allow them to leave the table.

Start slow and implement these tips one at a time and you’ll soon be on your way to happier mealtimes for the whole family!

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