How to Get Your Children to Help with Household Chores

Let’s face it, there’s no shortage of tasks to be done around the house, why should parents have to tackle them all?

Giving children chores goes beyond just getting them to pick up after themselves. By giving them responsibilities around the house you are helping to teach them basic skills they’ll need in life while providing routine and structure, which we all know kids thrive on!

With a list of chores to complete, kids feel a great sense of pride each time they check something off, which builds their self-esteem and confidence, and provides a sense of ownership and mastery.

Remember to keep your expectations in check. It might not be perfect, and it might not be done as you would do it but allow your children the freedom to explore and practice in the way that works best for them. Remain positive and encouraging to prevent them from becoming discouraged.

Here are some ways you can get your children to help you out with household chores:

Make a List

Give each child a list of chores that they can check off as they complete them. Kids love a list and writing that big check mark after they finish a task makes them feel so good.

Keep It Fun and Simple

Remember that at the heart of it all, kids just want to have fun so try to incorporate that into your daily or weekly chore time. Turn up the music and let everyone dance while they work or make a game of it by setting a timer and seeing how many socks everyone can fold in one minute. Whatever works but the bottom line is to keep it light!

Do the Task Together

Model how to complete the task and let your child watch. Next try doing it together. Then, let them give it a try and praise them for their efforts. Kids just want to spend time with us so if their chore time means time together, they’ll be all for it!

Stay Positive

Praise, praise and praise some more! If your child associates any negativity with doing their household chores you better believe they’ll be fighting and resisting them before you know it. Be sure to constantly let your child know what a great job they’re doing. There’s no such thing as too much encouragement!

Ideas for Tasks your Children Can Help With

  • Putting toys away

  • Clearing the table when they’re done eating

  • Putting dirty clothes in the laundry hamper

  • Helping to wash dishes

  • Folding laundry

  • Making their bed

  • Watering plants and flowers

  • Unloading the dishwasher

  • Taking care of pets

  • Cleaning floors

  • Dusting

Father and Daughter Doing Dishes Together.png