Tips for Potty Training Your Toddler

Oh the potty-training stage, a huge milestone for both children and parents and one that brings about a wide range of emotions for all. Parents often wonder when to start, what the right approach is and how to handle the inevitable ups and downs along the way.

While there is no one right way to potty train, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Determine Readiness

Most children are ready to potty train sometime between 18 and 36 months but the determining factors should be based more on physical and behavioural development rather than age so don’t try to rush it. If your child is showing interest in sitting on a potty or the toilet, would be able to communicate that they need to go to the bathroom, is staying dry for longer periods, has some independent skills that would allow them to pull their pants up and down or asks to wear underwear, give it a try and see how things go!

Watch for Signs

Especially at the beginning, children won’t always tell you that they need to go to the bathroom so you will need to be watching for signs. Typical signs include fidgeting, getting up and down from a seat, getting quiet, or holding themselves. When you notice these behaviours, ask them if they have to go and then help them get there quickly. Wearing loose clothes, particularly pants without a button, will be especially helpful during this potty-training phase.

Be Consistent

Make sure you’ve discussed your plan to potty train with your child’s teachers so that you’re all on the same page and can keep the routine going at daycare and at home. Ask the teachers about their schedule for having children try to sit/use the potty so that you can follow that same routine as much as possible at home. Having a consistent schedule will make things much easier for all of you and make learning much easier for your child.


Accidents happen. It is inevitable that your child will have some, perhaps many, accidents. While it can be frustrating, getting upset won’t help either of you so try to stay calm and remember that this is a learning process, and they are doing their best. Remaining patient and positive will make a huge difference to how your child feels about potty training. And remember, they will get there eventually 😊

The bottom line is every child is ready at varying ages and each one learns differently. You know your child best, so take your cues from them and know that one day you’ll both be celebrating this massive step in their development together.

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